Here are some photos and excerpts from talks given at last years disappearance festival in Mayapur:

Damodar Giri Prabhu (on the far left playing harmonium) and his bhajan group from Gadeigiri Orissa. Damodar is the cousin brother of Srila Gour Govinda Swami. Last year we brought them to Mayapur to do bhajans for Gour Govinda Maharaja's disappearance festival. If Krishna is willing we hope to bring them again this year 2006. This photo was taken inside of Nalini Mataji's house in Mayapur which she has constructed in dedication to Srila Gour Govinda Swami.

This is Tuku, the son of Damodar Giri Prabhu, playing mrdanga at the pandal program for Gour Govinda Swami's disappearance

The Gadeigiri kirtaniyas are famous for their expertise in the traditional ranihati (also known as raniti) style of kirtana started by Srila Shyamananda Prabhu, the sixteenth-century Gaudiya Vaishnava acarya who spread Vaishnavism all over Orissa.

Damodar Giri singing at the pandal program. Sri Srimad Kavicandra Swami is behind him to the right and further to the right is Sri Srimad Bhaktisvarup Damodar Swami

Here is an excerpt from Kavichandra Swami's talk:
"Maharaja is still present with us in his books and teachings. I once attended a lecture in San Diego given by Srila Gour Govinda Swami. Maharaja was speaking about grhastha life and garbadhana samskara. He quoted many, many verses describing the exact mantras, dates and procedures involved. Later I asked a devotee for a copy of the tape and was disappointed to hear that the recording didn't come out right. Then last year I was delighted to find the same lecture in printed form in Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu."

An excerpt from Sri Srimad Jayapataka Maharaja's talk:
"His Divine Grace Gour Govinda Swami's teachings are very important for everyone in ISKCON. Everyone should read his books."