Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja
About Me
- Name: Gopaljiu Publications
- Location: Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
Hare Krishna! Welcome to the Gopal Jiu Publications blog. This will give you some information about Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami, show you some of the ancient tirthas and places we have been researching and visiting here in India, and give you some news and updates on our festivals, seminars and publishing works. You may also be interested in these other links:
Main blog site for Gopal Jiu Publications:
Official site for Gopal Jiu Publications:
Now static blog sites with some old news:
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Fundraising for the Disappearance Festival in Mayapur
Dear friends,
Please accept our humble obeisances. Jaya Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!
Festival Costs
$193 for pandal and sound system
$60 for flowers
$25 for pheni prasadam (a traditional Oriya sweet liked by Lord Jagannath and Guru Maharaja, sometimes called Jagannath tongues by Western devotees)
$ 1,500 for feast for everyone and guests at the Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir
Below is an approximation of the cost to bring and host ten of them:
Travel expenses per person = RS 900 each
Total for group travel RS 9,000 (US $200)
Prasadam approx 75 RS per day for each person for ten days (including travelling and being in Mayapur) = US $167.00
Gifts to honor the party: One new set of clothing for each of them (this is a traditional honor in Orissan society) RS 500 RS a set per person total = US $111.00. We did this last year. In addition to that, this year we would like to present each member a large framed photo of Sri Sri Radha Gopaljiu the deities in Gadeigiri. Cost for each photo and framing: RS 230, total in US for ten persons: $51.00. We would also like to give a donation to Damodar Giri of RS 2,000 (US $45.00 to help with his household affairs, medical etc.) Total for gifts: US $207.00
Housing: We can book two large rooms in the Nityananda Kutirs for them. Each room costs RS 180 per day (about US $4.00 per day for the entire group) Total for 7 days: $30.00
Sub total in US to bring and accommodate
Damodar Giri Prabhu and company = $604
Total Amount including festival costs and accomodating
Damodar Giri Prabhu and company = $2,482
Contact us at for more information.
Thank you.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Mayapur Disappearance Festival 2006

We are raising donations for Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami's annual disappearance festival in Mayapur. We hope to again have a large pandal this year with a video lecture of Maharaja, a stage, lights, flowers, and prasadam. We would also like to again bring Damodar Giri Prabhu (the cousin brother of Srila Gour Govinda Swami) and his bhajan group to Mayapur for the festival. (See the next blog below with a few highlights of last years festival.) If you would like to inquire further or contribute something, please contact us at:
Mayapur Disappearance Festival 2005

"Maharaja is still present with us in his books and teachings. I once attended a lecture in San Diego given by Srila Gour Govinda Swami. Maharaja was speaking about grhastha life and garbadhana samskara. He quoted many, many verses describing the exact mantras, dates and procedures involved. Later I asked a devotee for a copy of the tape and was disappointed to hear that the recording didn't come out right. Then last year I was delighted to find the same lecture in printed form in Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu."